To support transit, ridesharing and downtown commercial activities, the City of Redlands hired Watry Design to realize their vision of a Park Once downtown facility. The parking structure, which will accommodate existing and future parking demand for the downtown and the future Metrolink station, achieves a number of vital objectives. The City reports that without structured parking, over two-thirds of the land in the area would be surface lots, which in turn significantly reduces development opportunities for adjacent properties. By providing adequate parking for transit, the City also reduces automobile trips, fuel consumption, pollution and downtown traffic congestion.
The Watry Design team not only created a design in context with the architecture and scale of the downtown, but also took the project from a Preliminary Environmental Study through both Final Environmental CEQA and NEPA Documents. This included the preparation of a number of studies to meet Caltrans requirements and specifications including a Construction Related Noise Study, Air Quality Report, Hazardous Materials/Waste Initial Site Assessment, Biological Checklist, Visual Resources Checklist and Cultural Study.
Project Details
- Owner: City of Redlands
- Project Status: Awaiting Funding
- Parking Stalls: 425
- Levels: 4
- Total Sq Ft: 140,800 not inc. future retail
- Sq Ft per Stall: 331
- Total Project Cost: $7,747,416
- Per Stall Cost: $18,229