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Image for Cal Poly Pomona Parking Structure II Feasibility Study & Bridging Documents

Since the last Master Plan, Cal Poly Pomona had constructed 1,000 student housing beds in suites, a new student commons, a College of Business building, developed three new buildings for business partners in Innovation Village, and a new high school. A campus recreation center was under construction and scheduled to open in the fall of 2014. 

In addition, 1,600 replacement and new beds in traditional residence halls and an administrative replacement building were in the planning and/or design stages with construction slated to start in summer of 2015. These new facilities were planned for Lots C and Lot F8. To support this dynamic growth, a parking structure was needed.

Watry Design, Inc. was selected to conduct a parking structure feasibility study to evaluate a facility with capacity up to 2,400 stalls on 5 levels and then prepare bridging documents for a design-build pursuit. Watry Design led a series of workshops to identify site constraints and key issues, which included how the structure would fit into the surrounding context, how it would connect to the rest of campus and ensuring it could be built on a schedule that did not impede campus operations.

The team also took into account environmental analysis, cost, ability to meet the program, sustainability goals, campus connectivity and phasing considerations . Six cost-effective design alternatives were studied to test the inherent tradeoffs with stakeholder-identified priorities, including exploring a shorter structure with a larger footprint and a taller structure with a smaller footprint. The program and design criteria the Watry team developed defined the most important project goals while giving the competing design-build teams flexibility in their approach.

Project Details

  • Owner: Cal Poly Pomona
  • Project Status: Completed 2014
  • Parking Stalls: 2,400
