Green parking is obviously good for the environment, but how viable is it economically? The National Parking Association’s new publication, 2016 Greener Parking Case Studies, showcases the positive impact that green parking has on both the environment and the bottom line.
The book features three Watry Design projects that emphasize sustainable design: American River College Parking Structure, San Jose Mineta International Airport Parking Structure and Tustin Metrolink Station Parking Structure. With various features such as photovoltaic panels and drought tolerant landscaping, each project not only reduced costs associated with maintaining the structures, but also met the client’s goals for sustainability. Click the links below to find out more about these exciting projects and how they met those goals.
What can green parking do for your parking project? Contact us. It would be our pleasure to help you find out!
Published by National Parking Association
Buy this book on: National Parking Association